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9YRSDezhou Borui Precision Co.,ltd


Company Album3

Basic Information
BoRui Machinery Factory was founded in 2003. We start to expand overseas market in 2016 and change name to Dezhou BoRui Precision Co.,Ltd. We own our own excellent R&D team to provide you satisfied solution of products customization. At this moment, our products are mainly all kinds of spring collets, collet chuck tool holders, sleeves, precision vices, lathe chuck and other manual tools. In 2015, We've achieved annual sales of 25 million USD and become the industry leader. We can provide personalized customization service such as designing non-standard product, processing according to supplied samples. We have the flexibility to meet different and rapid innovation needs of global purchasers and manufacturers.So far, we own the most advanced production and testing equipment of high precision which are imported from Japan, German, Switzerland. To provide high-quality products, we adhere to high self-control. We set rigorous testing mechanism for each procedure of the entire process from raw material purchasing to packing. We can make the highest commitments to customers at home and abroad.
10 Reviews
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Business type
Manufacturer, Trading Company
Country / Region
Shandong Province, China
Main ProductsTotal employees
11 - 50 People
Total Annual Revenue
Above US$100 Million
Year established
Product Certifications(2)
Main Markets